Picture this...It's 1999, I'm 32 years old, 270 pounds, I needed THOUSANDS to even qualify for broke and my life was a MESS>
Ever wonder how this formerly fat chick dug her way our of $40k of credit card debt and built a business around 2 little kids?
Let me promise you one thing...
It wasn't the "Lose Weight Now, Ask Me How" button that they gave me in my
"Business in a Box" that took me there...LOL
Once I figured out that what they were teaching me was useless I turned to the internet to find the answer.
I KNEW I could figure out this network marketing thing...I knew it in my gut.
And then one day I found a newsletter by a guy called Joe Schroeder.
The rest is history.
Listen to my latest audio that explains Joe's Quick Link Theory and HOW I DID IT.
You'll even learn what Barnes and Noble and pinball machines have in common...
incase you ever wondered!!!
Here's the audio:
If you are wanting to read the two reports I refer to in the audio shoot me an email and say...Hey Diane...send me those reports! My email is Diane@MyWavePage.com
And if you are resady to get the Speed Enrollers Course and learn the whole deal
You can pick it up here: www.BuySpeedEnrollers.com