By Joe Schroeder
Within America, in the land of the brave and the veritable nation of freedom, there resides the biggest industrial slave-labor camps ever to populate a country. The regional county is called work-force within a village called, The Prison of Hope.
Where dreams have been erased and men’s will power has been stripped.
401K Slave Trade
When stuck on a highway once, stitched with over 17,000 slaves lined up in a row, stuck in their cars and waiting to begin their nightmare, I unrolled my window once and asked the slave next to me, what is work to you?
His answer made me pull my chin. He answered with, “Work is only work when you wished you were somewhere else.” And so it goes.
Each morning these dead-heads with lost dreams inch ahead, slave style, tied by their golden 401K shackles, sipping their lattes, like a herd of cattle (add the ring in their noses), looking numb, as they solemnly point their $3 per gallon horses in the direction of their self imposed prison camps. Their dreams are held hostage, their hope has been arrested and each one is expected to mast their quarters by 0900 and that’s just the Sheep.
Highway To Hell
And their Jailors get to their Prisons even earlier. Because the Sheppard’s who HERD the sheep are expected to meet their posts to the ringing of the eighth bell past midnight. Which means the bosses have to leave their slave quarters and begin their highway into hell by five thirty a.m. That’s early. Very early.
5:30 a.m.
Legalized Government Pyramid Scheme / Lottery
I again, eager as I was to understand these industrial cogs even further, while watching them line up once, in a newspaper store, where the slaves each buy a “freedom ticket,” and a dream, for a buck (think lotto or government pyramid scheme) and I asked one of them, “Hey Fella, what is hell?”
I used the word “hell” only because if asked, that is what each one will always tell you that their work days are like; hell.
So there I was.
Amongst the mental weaklings who sold their dreams to another man and I asked, to one of them in their costumes complete with the red noose lynched around his neck (ID badge included), “Hey Fella, what is hell?”
Joe Schroeder 2 CD set
And he whined back at me (these types are compulsive complainers) almost as if someone was about to push him off a “gang plank” of a Pirates ship, he summoned back to me, “Kind Sir, let me tell you what Hell is.”
He then pulled his scattered mind together and forewarned, “Hell is like, that is when the you in the mirror looking back at you is the person you COULD have been versus the you that you settled for.”
It must be hard to live within a world of small when in your head you are ten feet tall.
How Utterly Sad
Those educated beyond their means or even “the working poor” have NO CHOICE as to how many hours they must render to “the man.” Often they are required to labor into the darkness of debt and into Visa, who then they pay a “dummy tax” to each month.
Debt by the way is when you barrow from Paul to Pay Harry for items you buy from Mary that you actually can’t afford. That is how debt perpetuates and how the baking system earns Billions of dollars monthly from the working poor.
Joe Schroeder 2 CD set
These slaves are never paid for WHO they are or for work they love.
Fifty one weeks on. One week off. “I owe, I owe so off to the prison camp I go.”
Card Carrying Slaves Work For Their Master
They are simply and ONLY paid for what their job title pays. Not a penny more. And even that is just enough to survive on—basically---so in order for VISA and MASTER-CARD to further earn off of them, the cogs must pay a monthly “royalty” or fee to them for everything that their families want, but these self-image victims can’t afford.
Well Boo-hoo. Did any of them have a GUN pointed to their heads? No.
No more than a three-ton Elephant seeks resistance or escape from the thin rope that his ankle is tied up with. It’s voluntary corporate slavery. That’s the sick part of their self imposed drama.
It’s voluntary for Petes sake!
They remain in their 8 X 8 corporate cells with fear written all over their faces because at anytime, without notice, their jailor can exercise more of his dominion and expire them at will.
That way, they can become jobless and spend the following next four months running through their cookie jar dough so they can again be confined by bankruptcy, but without first being victims of mortgage disaster and foreclosure.
All because the pink slip bit them where the sun never shines. And it continues. Non-stop and until chicken soup for the soul becomes one big bad joke.
The Skinning of The American Dream
Where Slavery Become Common Amongst The Common
Joe Schroeder 2 CD set
So the pencil jockeys continue. Lock step. Often resting together at the water station, coiled up like caged rats, verbally biting each other and sinking each others hopes by trading distain for each others life trials and exposing each other to each of their own individual fears. Can you say, “cage monkeys!” But it gets worse.
It’s cooler dribble for the confined. Pass the gun.
All they ever speak about is how HARD they work, how TIRED they are and how they are only tolerated behind the bars of lost hope, versus celebrated. It’s pathetic at best to witness this each day. But it never stops.
Patience Often Steals Their Treasure
Don’t these slaves know that what you can endure persists? Or possibly even more sickening is how many of them have let patience steal their treasure. Oh well.
Then one day, many moons and years into time, they will be released out to pasture when at the age sixty five the slave master decides employee # 301 is no longer worthy to pull their weight of another man’s dream.
And they are released into yet another slave camp. The retirement camp where they are required yet again, to sit and stair out the window until death do they part. Cheery stuff.
But pain continues because even the few who decide to try to work AFTER and into retirement are whipped yet again by the pension people who yell, “You can’t work another day and stop trying to make ends meet, just rely on your pension you old goat!”
Special Slavery Note: The Federal Government doesn’t allow the old to out earn their pensions without yet another Dummy Tax being their just desserts
I Am The Son of a Capitalist and a Good News Merchant. I Am Free!
Joe Schroeder 2 CD set
I know these prisoners of hope exist because I live free amongst them. I am free. I decide how much money I will earn because I actually believed in American capitalism. I decide my own hours, decide my own destiny and I denied ANY man to define my worth outside of my own ambition and outside of my own imagination.
I Have Earned in a Month What a Slave Earns All Doggone Year!
I can vacation when and where I want and as often as I want. I only do work that I love and as such I work for a loving and NOT for a living. I am a F/T dad and a part-time Millionaire. I pick my kids up from school and earn income world wide. Because I exercise the inspiration and have 6 Billion people world wide on the internet who help me earn more money than I need as a Good News Merchant.
Joe Schroeder 2 CD set
The Skinning of The American Dream
Where The Common Become The Meal of The Those in The Culture of Smart
I work seven days because I love what I do, loaf when I want and because I love to make money and to help people I see to lines between work and play. I call my home America. That’s right. I actually took advantage of the Constitution of the United States.
My Commute is Across The Hall To Our Home Office
I don’t work to survive. I am like Oprah, Arnold and Johnny who worked to express more of who THEY were instead of working to express someone (a boss) else.
I have seen slaves who have had to uproot their families and head north just to remain employed. I have seen fathers snatch their children and run for the hills because Daddy was relocated to a work camp all the way across the country.
New school. New friends. New boss. Sad children. What a horrible way to live.
Wives cry. Wives also lose their friends and the slave trade persists.
The 97% Who Failed To Pay The Price of Freedom Are Employed By The 3% Who Decided To Pay It
But alas, there is a way out. How? Because each slave is allowed to BUY their way out and EACH slave is allowed to BUY his or her freedom. The price is TIME and energy and an investment into SELF versus a life exchanged for another man’s dream.
The Weak Man Refuses To Discipline Himself
The cost is NOT too high, yet it does seem like TOO MUCH money for those without the courage to pay the price.
The Price of Personal Discipline is Too High For Many People
The PRICE is this. You must be able to become your own master. Most shudder the thought. Most slaves decide that’s TOO BIG of a price. But that’s the price. You MUST willfully decide to MASTER SELF. You must decide to discipline yourself and to teach yourself the TRADE of inspiration, ambition and increase.
It takes guts, spine, time and ambition. But it is all for not and won’t work unless the slave is willing to pay THE PRICE of being able to MASTER over self. Not someone else.
What the slave resists is the fact that what he desires is OUTSIDE of his comfort zone and the cogs remain employed because going out of their comfort zone is too big of an idea for the little sullen Sheep who work for us.
Joe Schroeder 2 CD set
How utterly painful it must be to live a life that is in torment compared to what lies within a mans head. It must be a living hell to be free in your MIND but shackled to a desk of hate that only reminds you of your own lack of ability to MASTER ones self. Oh well.
Amen. The Skinning of The American Dream
Where Slavery is Common Amongst Those To Weak To Stand Up
PS: If you love what you do and spend your days exercising SELF and being who you were born to be, consider yourself a King. Because no greater gift can one give to himself that is he who decides to be SELF rather than being a reflection of someone who pays them. Prostitutes do that and so do many slaves. They “sell out” and decide to be a reflection of somebody else instead of living a life that celebrates them.
Do you.
RISE I say!!!
Money can’t buy happiness. You know that. But being yourself can; often even in spite of money. It’s not about money. But it is about being able to afford the freedom to be your ENTIRE self versus the one you maybe settled for.
Share this please with 10,000 friends.
Your better is located in your BEST so be and do ALL that you can and your plenty will follow. When all you can do is all you can do then all you can do is enough.
Doing all you can do isn’t stopping at five o’clock or fetching another man’s Star-Bucks.
Be your own best friend. Who cares if it takes 16 hour days to locate the person YOU were born to be. It worked for Edison and Hanks and it’s worked for me and Millions of OTHER slaves who decided to PAY the price.
Joe Schroeder 2 CD set
You must decide simply to MASTER your SELF.
Teach people that those that fail to MASTER themselves end up being a slave to someone else.
How To Use This Riveting Content to Draw a Crowd
(1) Add your name as the carrier and add your name and e-mail address.
(2) Where there is a website listed, erase that one and ADD yours.
(3) Brand yourself. YOU be the one to carry this sword.
(4) COPY nicely at Stapes and drop around at commuting train stations.
(5) Put this INTO the hands of slaves who hate their jobs.
(6) DO NOT put your phone # or address on this. That will appear like selling.
(7) SIMPLY add your website and wait for the angry and curious to come to you.
(8) IF you add a PICTURE of a CHILD to page one top right, you will attract more.
(9) Condense into four (4) sides which would translate onto two (2) sheets of paper.
** You can joyfully ADD this to your BLOG. Wow.
** You can even ADD this to you’re MY-SPACE
** You can tinker and adjust to make FIT into your auto-responder.
** You can DROP this report around town and hand out to folks.
** PRINT and COPY this nicely. Be a professional.
** ADD to your # 10 envelope when you PAY your bills.
** Hand to the toll-collector, the coffee boy or the waitress.
Joe Schroeder 2 CD set
What You Can Endure Persists
To Re-Program Yourself Read, “The Doers Creed.” (See the person who sent you this and ask them for a handful of iPod ready MP-3 files. USE those audio to decompress the OTHER self and to reprogram your self)
Joe Schroeder 2 CD set
Live calls MON-TUES-WED-Thurs 9:27 PM (est)
1-641-594-7000 PIN 600088#
You are Invited By Diane Hochman
Often the false conditioning of 20 years of slave labor can’t be undone in an hour or even a month. It’s best to use mind conditioning tools to reprogram your SELF.
The Doers Creed Unto Self
Locate your local WARRIORS NEST chapter and ask the Benefactor their for the bevy of free audio files to load into your iPod. Ask for the Doers Creed of influence.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
If You Knew Just How Close You Are...

Here is Joe's call from May 7th.
The Title of the call is...
If You Knew Just How Close You Are...
It's a great call!
You can pick up the work sheets he talks about here
The Magic PDF
You need to fast forward slightly to get into the call..
Skip the beginning to get to the meat.
Give me a shout at 860 585-0882 or email me at and ask me for some more Joe goodies...

Everything David Geffen by Joe Schroeder
FREE Chapter (7) of my ALPHA CODE 151 Pg. book.
Copyrights 2006 Schroeder Publishing
and the Labor Plant, LLC.
Written by Joe Schroeder
Alright. I will tax your brain, make you pull you chin
and basically CHALLENGE your business model.
Up for it?
All opposed?
Good. Motions carried.
Lets begin.
Diane right? Good. I am still Joe.
the mysterious and oh so SECRET hidden order.
I am TRYING to help you. So send candy and charms.
Oh, and DUNN forget my LIVE CALLS
641 793-7000 code 600088# >>> MONDAY-Wednesdays >>>
9:27 EASTERN and of course PM naturally.
Now breathe. Get some oxygen.
Go ahead. BREATHE, because I am about to
catapult you to [the] HIGHER level.
in and out. In and out. Breathe dear lamb.
Settle down now everyone, lets begin.
Preacher Joe is now in session.
The THING about record mogul and Billionaire
DAVID GEFFEN and yes, the thing about ** the **
DONALD and all major forces of revenue, is that
like any CEO, they earn income on the E-N-T-I-R-E
sales funnel and consumption environment of their customers.
STOP it.
STOP thinking this is complicated. It's basic.
I am LOCATING your own Genius.
Because you posses GENIUS!
This is school girl third grade THINKING.
The BIG BOYS and GIRLS earn money on the
ENTIRE CONSUMPTION cycle of their plebes.
"Joe, Please Show me the Higher Level, Oh Please!
Alright I will. Shut up and sit down or give me twenty.
ABOUT the David Geffen Model:
** Dave owned the publishing rights on all of his artists.
** He makes dough FOREVER, even when the songs are used in commercials.
** Plus he earned coin every time the darn SONG is played.
** Plus he earns when they PERFORM LIVE
** EARN when your people BUY leads
** EARN when they take a shower and brush their teeth.
No, I didn't JOIN Amway or Melaleuca.
You silly Billy.
The GAME is to earn on the ENTIRE SALES CYCLE.
The bo-peeps and part-timers earn ONLY at the end.
They ONLY earn at the E-N-D after someone JOINS.
I earn (I swear this is genius, thanks David!) when
EARN when your people QUIT.
How? Think like DAVID GEFFEN.
Earn even if your little Cherubs QUIT your pyramid.
How? BECAUSE you signed their butts into a LEAD program
and even if they freaking QUIT the primary you told them they'd
get rich off of, you are STILL EARNING every month on their
Margaret, this Schroeder fellow is a smart!
"Shut up Sam, let the kid speak already!"
Hold up.
If you are in M L M CHURCH.
If making NICE with your sponsor is your priority.
If you REQUIRE that the world LOVES you.
If you think your current PROGRAM is your savior.
Poor you because you must have drank the KOOL-AID.
Here's the alternative THINKING.
Your M L M is JUST another vendor.
You signed a company contract agreeing to being INDEPENDENT.
Your sponsor is actually a STRANGER you M L M with.
I don't do M L M, I do AMERICA.
I don't DO M L M... I do MY FATHER, I trade on his great name.
I do CAPITALISM and red, white and blue.
I sell good news.
I sell leads. (income #1)
I sell INFORMATION just as OPRAH and ARNOLD do (income 2)
I sell TRAINING just as (income 3) the NY TIMES SELLS TRAINING.
I am a FREE enterprise GOOD news merchant.
I am a SON of a capitalist.
Therefore, I will exercise my complete and full dominion
in the market place and earn on everyone's ENTIRE cycle through
the industry, NOT only if they [yawn] join some little M L M deal.
LOOK at this hot two level (NOT M L M) lead program.
NO CONFLICT because it's not M L M, it's a two tier LEAD deal.
STARTED in 1996. TEN YEARS OLD for Peters sake.
Level (1) pays $15
Level (2) pays $40
EARN $600 to $800 RESIDUALLY with only a darn 20 club
4 FIRST level
16 SECOND level.
The MLM Mastermind
Everyone BUYS leads.
Everyone actually wants leads.
Everyone actually USES leads.
Something YOU should be EARNING ON.
Why leave money on the table? Why?
Are you afraid, "oh please love me" that your current sponsor
will get peeved if you JOIN a lead deal?
Okay. Since when are you EMPLOYED by your sponsor?
Since when did this become a socialistic society?
Since when did you allow OTHERS to tie your hands?
Me? I DESERVE to earn $100,000 per month.
Me? NO ONE and certainly no re-run M L M company
tells this Indian what I can and can not do. No Sir.
Do I sell NUTRITION or do I do M L M?
** NO **
I coach, I train, I create SYSTEMS and I franchise my CONTENT
into other people's business.
Oh, and I also am in two (not 1) LEAD PROGRAMS.
Which is better? Earning four (4) times off the SAME guy or once?
Which is better? Being F/T or part-time?
Which is better and which is MORE LEVERAGE?
EARNING 1-2-3-4 (times) off the SAME customer base?
Or only once, at the end, as they join your M L M.
This is GROWN UP time Ladies and Gentlemen.
This is where the rubber meets the road.
This is where the BIG BOYS and GIRLS live.
It's called a complete leveraged business economy.
It's called truly 100% exercising your American entrepreneurial right.
I call it business.
The MLM Mastermind
P.S. It's not a SYSTEM if the so called SYSTEM doesn't gently
also enroll people and SHOW people the unified residual M L M
equity the SYSTEM promotes.
A FUNDED PRPOSAL is not a funded proposal, and I should know,
I INVENTED this back in 1996 BEFORE anyone could even spell
M L M, it's not a true SYSTEM unless the SYSTEM unifies everyone
Into one or two unified RESIDUAL deals.
Question, Call it a POP-QUIZ:
Does the OTHER affiliate program you sell ALSO
enroll people into any M L M?
No? Then WHY PROMOTE the product.
I am 100% generic. I RETAIL business services.
Leads / training / coaching. Period.
You'd have to be insane and hate money to waste your time
PROMOTING anything that didn't ultimately also give you
RESIDUAL income.
You'd have to be insane to WASTE your energy PROMOTING
and spending money ADVERTISING anything
That could not ultimately ALSO build you residual income.
I call this the 09 Network because MY WAVE PAGE
And QUICK LINK are YEARS ahead of the market.
The ONLY way to PREDICT the FUTURE is to CREATE it.
So I did.
So think about it. Why work WITHOUT leverage?
Why only earn once?
Why promote a CASH FLOW system that didn't also
funnel new little Lambs into your PYRAMID.
I believe in America.
I believe there's a PYRAMID on the FACE of every dollar bill.
$1 Bills have a PYRAMID on the face of them.
Lord I am exhausted.
I need a beer. ROLLING ROCK please.
If you need me DO NOT CALL.
I'll be at Big Al's steak and Ale joint.
IN M L M everyone or at least most try to MAKE FRIENDS
and everyone is nice-nice and OH PLEASE INCLUDE ME.
They TALK about the weather.
They all ask, "and where do you live!"
Puke. How utterly M L M CHURCH of them.
JUST ONCE, I'd like these CHURCH M L M people to
walk into a NEW YORK CITY marketing office and watch.
IN the REAL WORLD it's about economy, influence and
you GET EATEN if you don't produce.
I love M L M and I think, rather I pray, that THAT comes across with my passion.
However in the end, I could give one rip if I lose some people along the way.
If I REALLY cared what people think I wouldn't have joined M L M
in the first place, because lets face it, outsiders to M L M think we're nuts.
I work for my family. They come first.
The uplines, the sponsors, they are transient and would
sell us out AS SOON AS WE STOPPED MAKING them money.
It's FUN to have FUN but it ain't fun being left behind.
It's FUN to have FUN but it ain't no fun being broke.
I DECIDED TO PLAY BIG BOY in an adult world.
You can't be a JFK, a Reagan or a Martin Luther
if you INSIST on everyone liking you.
OPRAH, Madonna and Martha would have caved years ago
and quit, if they insisted on everyone agreeing with them.
No Sir.
UNLESS you stand for something you will fall for anything.
I stand for something. My FREE ENTREPRENEURIAL RIGHTS.
My RIGHT as a FREE capitalist to EARN Millions.
Not peanuts. Not a little and not some. But MILLIONS.
But that's just me.
I swear I have a headache.
This stuff REALLY makes you THINK.
I love you all and am ready to lose some friends.
Schroederism # 117
BECAUSE when you BECOME the RIGHT kind of person
The wrong kinds of people all of a sudden find you unbearable.
If you DO NOT START making ADULT money here
my friend you won't be here in a year from now.
GET P.AID NOW so you can BE here in a year or two.
Make mine a double.
I am so outta here.
David Geffen had it right. Thanks Buddy.
See you soon Diane.
Joe Schroeder, the kid OTHER kids used to vote against in school.
I SHOWED THEM! (can their driveway hold 12 cars? Mine can)
24 Hr. Joe Schroeder RECORDED Coaching line
3 Minutes
1-800-772-9781 Ext:40
My PREDICTION for 2007 and where the new MONEY is
Joe Schroeder Prediction
FREE eBook (Chapter 7) by Joe Schroeder
LIVE COACHING CALLS Mondays through Wednesdays
With Joe Schroeder and Diane Hochman
9:27 PM EST
641 793-7000
pass code 600088#
Chaos to Cash is $14.95 and re-sellers earn $5
Copyrights Joe Schroeder and the Labor Plant 2006.
The MLM Mastermind
diane hochman
joe schroeder
FREE Chapter (7) of my ALPHA CODE 151 Pg. book.
Copyrights 2006 Schroeder Publishing
and the Labor Plant, LLC.
Written by Joe Schroeder
Alright. I will tax your brain, make you pull you chin
and basically CHALLENGE your business model.
Up for it?
All opposed?
Good. Motions carried.
Lets begin.
Diane right? Good. I am still Joe.
the mysterious and oh so SECRET hidden order.
I am TRYING to help you. So send candy and charms.
Oh, and DUNN forget my LIVE CALLS
641 793-7000 code 600088# >>> MONDAY-Wednesdays >>>
9:27 EASTERN and of course PM naturally.
Now breathe. Get some oxygen.
Go ahead. BREATHE, because I am about to
catapult you to [the] HIGHER level.
in and out. In and out. Breathe dear lamb.
Settle down now everyone, lets begin.
Preacher Joe is now in session.
The THING about record mogul and Billionaire
DAVID GEFFEN and yes, the thing about ** the **
DONALD and all major forces of revenue, is that
like any CEO, they earn income on the E-N-T-I-R-E
sales funnel and consumption environment of their customers.
STOP it.
STOP thinking this is complicated. It's basic.
I am LOCATING your own Genius.
Because you posses GENIUS!
This is school girl third grade THINKING.
The BIG BOYS and GIRLS earn money on the
ENTIRE CONSUMPTION cycle of their plebes.
"Joe, Please Show me the Higher Level, Oh Please!
Alright I will. Shut up and sit down or give me twenty.
ABOUT the David Geffen Model:
** Dave owned the publishing rights on all of his artists.
** He makes dough FOREVER, even when the songs are used in commercials.
** Plus he earned coin every time the darn SONG is played.
** Plus he earns when they PERFORM LIVE
** EARN when your people BUY leads
** EARN when they take a shower and brush their teeth.
No, I didn't JOIN Amway or Melaleuca.
You silly Billy.
The GAME is to earn on the ENTIRE SALES CYCLE.
The bo-peeps and part-timers earn ONLY at the end.
They ONLY earn at the E-N-D after someone JOINS.
I earn (I swear this is genius, thanks David!) when
EARN when your people QUIT.
How? Think like DAVID GEFFEN.
Earn even if your little Cherubs QUIT your pyramid.
How? BECAUSE you signed their butts into a LEAD program
and even if they freaking QUIT the primary you told them they'd
get rich off of, you are STILL EARNING every month on their
Margaret, this Schroeder fellow is a smart!
"Shut up Sam, let the kid speak already!"
Hold up.
If you are in M L M CHURCH.
If making NICE with your sponsor is your priority.
If you REQUIRE that the world LOVES you.
If you think your current PROGRAM is your savior.
Poor you because you must have drank the KOOL-AID.
Here's the alternative THINKING.
Your M L M is JUST another vendor.
You signed a company contract agreeing to being INDEPENDENT.
Your sponsor is actually a STRANGER you M L M with.
I don't do M L M, I do AMERICA.
I don't DO M L M... I do MY FATHER, I trade on his great name.
I do CAPITALISM and red, white and blue.
I sell good news.
I sell leads. (income #1)
I sell INFORMATION just as OPRAH and ARNOLD do (income 2)
I sell TRAINING just as (income 3) the NY TIMES SELLS TRAINING.
I am a FREE enterprise GOOD news merchant.
I am a SON of a capitalist.
Therefore, I will exercise my complete and full dominion
in the market place and earn on everyone's ENTIRE cycle through
the industry, NOT only if they [yawn] join some little M L M deal.
LOOK at this hot two level (NOT M L M) lead program.
NO CONFLICT because it's not M L M, it's a two tier LEAD deal.
STARTED in 1996. TEN YEARS OLD for Peters sake.
Level (1) pays $15
Level (2) pays $40
EARN $600 to $800 RESIDUALLY with only a darn 20 club
4 FIRST level
16 SECOND level.
The MLM Mastermind
Everyone BUYS leads.
Everyone actually wants leads.
Everyone actually USES leads.
Something YOU should be EARNING ON.
Why leave money on the table? Why?
Are you afraid, "oh please love me" that your current sponsor
will get peeved if you JOIN a lead deal?
Okay. Since when are you EMPLOYED by your sponsor?
Since when did this become a socialistic society?
Since when did you allow OTHERS to tie your hands?
Me? I DESERVE to earn $100,000 per month.
Me? NO ONE and certainly no re-run M L M company
tells this Indian what I can and can not do. No Sir.
Do I sell NUTRITION or do I do M L M?
** NO **
I coach, I train, I create SYSTEMS and I franchise my CONTENT
into other people's business.
Oh, and I also am in two (not 1) LEAD PROGRAMS.
Which is better? Earning four (4) times off the SAME guy or once?
Which is better? Being F/T or part-time?
Which is better and which is MORE LEVERAGE?
EARNING 1-2-3-4 (times) off the SAME customer base?
Or only once, at the end, as they join your M L M.
This is GROWN UP time Ladies and Gentlemen.
This is where the rubber meets the road.
This is where the BIG BOYS and GIRLS live.
It's called a complete leveraged business economy.
It's called truly 100% exercising your American entrepreneurial right.
I call it business.
The MLM Mastermind
P.S. It's not a SYSTEM if the so called SYSTEM doesn't gently
also enroll people and SHOW people the unified residual M L M
equity the SYSTEM promotes.
A FUNDED PRPOSAL is not a funded proposal, and I should know,
I INVENTED this back in 1996 BEFORE anyone could even spell
M L M, it's not a true SYSTEM unless the SYSTEM unifies everyone
Into one or two unified RESIDUAL deals.
Question, Call it a POP-QUIZ:
Does the OTHER affiliate program you sell ALSO
enroll people into any M L M?
No? Then WHY PROMOTE the product.
I am 100% generic. I RETAIL business services.
Leads / training / coaching. Period.
You'd have to be insane and hate money to waste your time
PROMOTING anything that didn't ultimately also give you
RESIDUAL income.
You'd have to be insane to WASTE your energy PROMOTING
and spending money ADVERTISING anything
That could not ultimately ALSO build you residual income.
I call this the 09 Network because MY WAVE PAGE
And QUICK LINK are YEARS ahead of the market.
The ONLY way to PREDICT the FUTURE is to CREATE it.
So I did.
So think about it. Why work WITHOUT leverage?
Why only earn once?
Why promote a CASH FLOW system that didn't also
funnel new little Lambs into your PYRAMID.
I believe in America.
I believe there's a PYRAMID on the FACE of every dollar bill.
$1 Bills have a PYRAMID on the face of them.
Lord I am exhausted.
I need a beer. ROLLING ROCK please.
If you need me DO NOT CALL.
I'll be at Big Al's steak and Ale joint.
IN M L M everyone or at least most try to MAKE FRIENDS
and everyone is nice-nice and OH PLEASE INCLUDE ME.
They TALK about the weather.
They all ask, "and where do you live!"
Puke. How utterly M L M CHURCH of them.
JUST ONCE, I'd like these CHURCH M L M people to
walk into a NEW YORK CITY marketing office and watch.
IN the REAL WORLD it's about economy, influence and
you GET EATEN if you don't produce.
I love M L M and I think, rather I pray, that THAT comes across with my passion.
However in the end, I could give one rip if I lose some people along the way.
If I REALLY cared what people think I wouldn't have joined M L M
in the first place, because lets face it, outsiders to M L M think we're nuts.
I work for my family. They come first.
The uplines, the sponsors, they are transient and would
sell us out AS SOON AS WE STOPPED MAKING them money.
It's FUN to have FUN but it ain't fun being left behind.
It's FUN to have FUN but it ain't no fun being broke.
I DECIDED TO PLAY BIG BOY in an adult world.
You can't be a JFK, a Reagan or a Martin Luther
if you INSIST on everyone liking you.
OPRAH, Madonna and Martha would have caved years ago
and quit, if they insisted on everyone agreeing with them.
No Sir.
UNLESS you stand for something you will fall for anything.
I stand for something. My FREE ENTREPRENEURIAL RIGHTS.
My RIGHT as a FREE capitalist to EARN Millions.
Not peanuts. Not a little and not some. But MILLIONS.
But that's just me.
I swear I have a headache.
This stuff REALLY makes you THINK.
I love you all and am ready to lose some friends.
Schroederism # 117
BECAUSE when you BECOME the RIGHT kind of person
The wrong kinds of people all of a sudden find you unbearable.
If you DO NOT START making ADULT money here
my friend you won't be here in a year from now.
GET P.AID NOW so you can BE here in a year or two.
Make mine a double.
I am so outta here.
David Geffen had it right. Thanks Buddy.
See you soon Diane.
Joe Schroeder, the kid OTHER kids used to vote against in school.
I SHOWED THEM! (can their driveway hold 12 cars? Mine can)
24 Hr. Joe Schroeder RECORDED Coaching line
3 Minutes
1-800-772-9781 Ext:40
My PREDICTION for 2007 and where the new MONEY is
Joe Schroeder Prediction
FREE eBook (Chapter 7) by Joe Schroeder
LIVE COACHING CALLS Mondays through Wednesdays
With Joe Schroeder and Diane Hochman
9:27 PM EST
641 793-7000
pass code 600088#
Chaos to Cash is $14.95 and re-sellers earn $5
Copyrights Joe Schroeder and the Labor Plant 2006.
The MLM Mastermind

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
For Marketing Addicts Only
Just when I thought I'd heard all he has to teach...
And I have been studying him for 6 years...
Joe Schroeder goes to another level...
Want Mp3s so you can go mobile???
Shoot me an email at and I'll see what I can do
diane hochman
joe schroeder
And I have been studying him for 6 years...
Joe Schroeder goes to another level...
Want Mp3s so you can go mobile???
Shoot me an email at and I'll see what I can do

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
2 Part Grand Slam Call from Joe
On April 2nd Joe Schroeder went the distance and not only did his regular call
But he was so inspired he took a break and came back with a bonus class.
Funny thing is...there were actually more people on the second half than the first!!
Everyone scrambled to get others on the phone he was so on fire.
Here are the recordings:
Part 1:
Part 2
To find out more about Spellbound and the Schroeder Publishing products
go to the Spellbound Method Worksheet
Or give me a call at 860 585-0882
joe schroeder
But he was so inspired he took a break and came back with a bonus class.
Funny thing is...there were actually more people on the second half than the first!!
Everyone scrambled to get others on the phone he was so on fire.
Here are the recordings:
Part 1:
Part 2
To find out more about Spellbound and the Schroeder Publishing products
go to the Spellbound Method Worksheet
Or give me a call at 860 585-0882

Monday, March 12, 2007
Joe Schroeder Live!!!
For a few weeks Joe Schroeder will be speaking live on Monday nights.
If you would like to be invited just shoot me an email at
Lines are limited so you do need to reserve a spot :)
Here's last weeks call for you:
joe schroeder
If you would like to be invited just shoot me an email at
Lines are limited so you do need to reserve a spot :)
Here's last weeks call for you:

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